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Dietary changes

Hey all! I'm just not sure about going all out primal. and I havent been strict on my diet like I should however what I decided to do was to do a combination of Primal, low gi, and Low carb.. Yeah I know that does sound confusing but hey I always go by the saying "Do whatever that works for you." when I think of primal it is kind of like Low gi since it is heavily based on Vegetables and meat but the thing is Low gi includes some carbohydrate sources such as bread, rice pitas, which is why the Primal way of eating can be considered low carb. but when I think of it I might as well go for lowcarb but I love my oatmeal and mini wheats and most importantly I love my beans since they do fill me up very well and control my appetitie. I know for sure I would how to watch my starchier carb sources such as potatos but if anything I would cut back on those things of course! I just would not eat any rice. and when it comes to bread or pitas and such they would have to be lowcarb. 

I hope everyone gets a clear understanding with what I do plan on doing. but dont worry Im sure i would map it all out.


  1. That is absolutely ludicrous. This LunaTrim evening the majority of the issue data I've been tricking with for quite a while has at last come together.


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