It is not unusual or unknown for black women to have weight problems. sometimes I wonder why are there so many Black women that are overweight or Obese? to some point I wonder when it comes to the weight do we as black women self sabotage our own health for the sake of being thick or just not wanting to be skinny. or is it the "big is beautiful mantra"
Some people may think the reason why so many black women are overweight because Black men are known to like big butts or breasts. not that I'm trying to say black men are the cause or its their fault. but when it comes to black men liking big butts or breasts I would say that its just a minor myth or something silly that people made up because after all you cant speak for everyone and their preference or desires.
or could it be that black women just don't want to sweat out their perms or relaxers or is it cause of food and the prices since the bad stuff such as white flour is cheaper.
I'm not trying to degrade or put anyone down but I found it disturbing that the statistics of black women being overweight is generally higher than any other race. I feel that when your weight becomes a problem and you ignore it then it should be of some concern.
So what are your thoughts on this?
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